
Child-spanking is discouraged



Tulane University in New Orleansの研究が紹介されていますが、米国の大学ではこういう研究も進んでいるんでしょうね。


更に「TIME magazine」主催の研究?(the study in its Parenting section)でもspankingによる悪影響が指摘されている。

母親への調査では、”Nearly 45.6 percent said they did not spank their three-year-old in the previous month, 27.9 percent reported spanking once or twice that month, and 26.5 percent reported doing it more than twice.”とのことですがこれは多いというべきか少ないと言うべきか。

更にAmerican Academy of Pediatricsという団体がありspankingの悪影響を説いています。

There are two reasons why a swift smack on the child’s bottom is discouraged. First, it’s against the law (child abuse) and, second, it only makes kids more aggressive or rebellious in the long run.

A recent study by Tulane University in New Orleans, USA, involving 2,500 youngsters is an eye-opener to parents, and child psychologists.

The exhaustive research found that children spanked more often at the age of 3, chances are they will be more defiant and belligerent when they turn five.

Published in an American journal called Pediatrics, the documentary undertaking was conducted by community-health researches led by Professor Catherine Taylor of Tulane University.

The May 10, 2010 issue of TIME magazine, featured the study in its Parenting section. The research also identified related factors affecting mothers on “such issues as depression, alcohol and drug use, spousal abuse and even whether mothers considered abortion while pregnant with the child.”

Further, it said each of the above factor can contribute to a child’s aggression, and spanking remained a strong predictor of violent behavior.

“The odds of a child being more aggressive at age five increased by 50 percent if he had been spanked more than twice in the month before the study began,” says Taylor.

Mothers were subjects of the survey in 20 American cities specifically when their children were both 3 and 5 years old. Nearly 45.6 percent said they did not spank their three-year-old in the previous month, 27.9 percent reported spanking once or twice that month, and 26.5 percent reported doing it more than twice.

Relative to the above output, five-year-old children who had been spanked “were more likely than the non-spanked to be defiant, demand immediate satisfaction of their wants and needs. Not only that, “they become frustrated easily, have temper tantrums and lash lout physically against other people or animals.”

TIME says “corporal punishment instills fear rather than understanding.

And it is for this reason that spanking may set up a loop of bad behavior.” So even if children stop tantrums when spanked, it does not always mean they are aware why they should not have been acting that way in the first place.

But help is on the way, based on data obtained by clinicians in other institutions, notably Dr. Jayne Singer who is clinical director of the Child and Parent Program at Children’s Hospital Boston.

For one, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against any form of children spanking. In fact, as a form of punishment it becomes less effective with repeated use, the institution insists.

“Instead of spanking, the AAP recommends time-outs, which typically involve denying the child any interaction, positive or negative, for a specified period of time. These quiet moments force children to calm down and think about their emotions rather than acting up on them reflexively.”

AAP says punishing children means not only letting them know that what they did was wrong , but also making them realize that what made them do it was also wrong.


European council calls for spanking ban


記事によると体罰のない地域(corporal punishment-free zone)にしたいそうです。



Spanking and other forms of corporal punishment against children need to be banned in all European states before they become a health or social issue, the Council of Europe warned on Thursday. "We're hoping to have a corporal punishment-free zone which is called Europe," said council official Maud de Boer-Buquicchio at a two-day conference on violence against children in Vienna. So far, 21 countries have banned corporal punishment against children, but there is still strong opposition to legislation in countries like France and Britain.

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TOEFL® iBT用の教材(英語圏への留学向けの試験なのでテキストは全部英語、というか洋書)、"NorthStar: Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT"の"Intermediate
by John Beaumont"にpunishmentという章があり"spanking"について言及されている箇所があります。

